Friday 21 January 2011


An investigation into narrative and genre has provided an insight into production, performance and transformation. The project has enabled me to realise and broaden my ideas within my chosen genre. At the beginning of the project I found the idea difficult to grasp, I went about changing the narrative altogether rather than translating the narrative through a different genre. In doing this I missed out on important time in which I should have been exploring the different possibilities of my genre.

I do feel that I need more practise when it comes to technical drawing. Although pleased with the outcome of the scenic model, I do feel more care should have been taken when creating the boxes. In places there are pieces of foam board a couple of millimetres out of place. A lot of care was taken to ensure this didn't happen but somehow it managed to slip past me. I think a necessary step for me would be to properly learn how to use computer programmes such as Auto CAD, as i think this would have benefited me.
Understanding genre and how it relates to a subject has helped me to engage with the design process and has given me insight towards the role of the set model.

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